Chinese Immersion
Nurturing learners who are curious, confident, and globally minded.
Hopkins XinXing Chinese immersion program is a K-5 total immersion program. All core subject matter is taught in Mandarin Chinese for the full day in kindergarten through grade 2. Students learn to read and write in Mandarin first. English language arts are introduced for the equivalent of one hour per day beginning in grades 3-4, and there is an even distribution of English and Mandarin in grade 5.
XinXing students have Chinese immersion course offerings for grades 6-12 at Hopkins West Middle School and Hopkins High School. Our goal is for students to reach an advanced level of proficiency by the end of grade 12, and to develop bi-literacy in both Chinese and English. Students who complete the full program will graduate Hopkins High School with up to 16 college credits.
Program Highlights
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why Chinese?
- How does Hopkins' immersion program work?
- What is the enrollment process?
- Is there a fee?
- Is transportation provided?
- Is before- and after-school care provided?
- What role do parents play in XinXing Academy?
Why Chinese?
How does Hopkins' immersion program work?
What is the enrollment process?
Is there a fee?
Is transportation provided?
Is before- and after-school care provided?
What role do parents play in XinXing Academy?
Roadmap to Chinese Fluency
Explore the key language acquisition milestones achieved each year as XinXing scholars progress toward proficiency in Chinese.
We open-enrolled into the Hopkins School District because we loved that our child would have such an amazing global experience.
-Hopkins Chinese immersion parent
Chinese Immersion Contacts
Melissa Ness, Eisenhower principal
Enrollment Questions: Carolina Lloyd, Immersion Enrollment Coordinator
Markel Rios, Multilingual Coordinator