All events are organized and run by our family volunteers and PTO Members. They are integral to our school community. Join today!
Your Eisenhower PTO strives to support students and staff here at Eisenhower Elementary! There are many ways you can support your student's Parent Teacher Organization. We are in need of board members both specific positions and at-large members. We also will be asking for event coordinators. You can also engage by coming to PTO Monthly Meetings, and participating in PTO's events, activities, and fundraisers. Read on to learn more!
All of the events at Eisenhower are organized and run by PTO volunteers. Our community needs them to thrive. The money raised by these events helps to fund teacher requests, field trips, and so much more!
If you are interested in volunteering or if you have a question, please contact our school PTO at EisenhowerPTO@HopkinsSchools.org.