Kindergarten Supply List 2024-2025
Kindergarten supplies will be used for the community! Please do not label anything, except headphones!
1 large pink eraser
24 sharpened pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
Scissors, blunt ended, not pointed (Fiskers preferred)
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons
1 boxes of Crayola Jumbo Crayons - 8 count
2 large glue sticks
12 small glue sticks
2 large boxes of tissues
Large, sturdy backpack
3 red plastic two pocket folders
2 wide ruled Composition notebooks, not spiral notebook
2 large containers of Clorox wipes
1 box gallon size Ziploc bags (size 24 or larger)
1 box quart size Ziploc bags (size 24 or larger)
USB-C Headphones, (not earbuds) in a labeled Ziploc bag
1 box of playdough ( 4 count)
1 pack of 8 watercolors paint set (Crayola preferred)
$5.00 Activity/Party/Supply Money
PE: Velcro or non-tie tennis shoes for Physical Education.
PE: Pack of wood pencils.
First Grade
(Some of these supplies will be used for the community, please do not label anything!)
2 large pink erasers
24 sharpened pencils
Scissors (Fiskers preferred)
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons
1 box of Crayola Jumbo Crayons 8 count
1 box of 24 Twistable Crayola Crayons
1 box of Crayola Markers
1 bottle Elmer’s school glue
12 glue sticks
1 plastic 5x8 inch pencil box
4 Plastic two pocket folders
1 wide ruled composition notebook
1 wide ruled spiral notebook
2 large boxes of tissue
2 large rolls of papertowels
1 large container Clorox wipes
1 box gallon size Ziploc bags ( size 24 or larger)
USB-C Headphones, (not earbuds) in a labeled bag
$5.00 Party Money
PE: Velcro or non-tie tennis shoes for Physical Education.
PE: 1 box of tissues
Second Grade
(Some of these supplies will be used for the community, please do not label anything)
2 large pink erasers
24 pencils #2 (not mechanical)
24 pack of crayons
12 colored pencils
1 package washable of markers
4 pk of thin dry erase markers
1 sturdy pencil case
1 clipboard
1 reusable water bottle
3 Gluesticks
2 Large boxes of tissues
3 wide-ruled Composition notebook
1 wooden, sturdy ruler
4 - two pocket folders
USB-C Headphones (not earbuds, not bluetooth) in a bag
Large, sturdy backpack
1 box quart size Ziploc bags
2 containers Clorox Wipes (1 for PE, 1 for home room)
PE: Velcro or non-tie tennis shoes for Physical Education if student can not tie shoes.
Third Grade
Individual Supplies
3 plain 2-pocket folders
4 composition wide-ruled notebooks
1 pointed scissors
USB-C headphones or earbuds in a labeled bag
Shared Supplies (all of the following will be shared with the class)
1 pack of 24 crayons
1 pack of 12 colored pencils
1 pack of washable markers
1 pack of dry erase markers
2 dozen #2 pencils (not mechanical)
4 glue sticks
1 ruler
2 large boxes of tissues
2 containers of Clorox wipes
PE: 1 white board marker
Fourth Grade
Individual Supplies
5 plain 2-pocket folders
(1)- 3-ring binder
5 wide ruled notebooks
4 dozen #2 pencils - not mechanical
1 Pink Eraser
1 Pointed scissors
1 package of post-its
1 highlighter
1 reusable water bottle
USB-C Headphones or earbuds in a labeled bag
Shared Supplies (all of the following will be shared with the class)
$5.00 Class Activities
1 pack of washable markers (Crayola is best)
1 pack of dry erase markers
2 large boxes of tissues
2 large plastic container of Clorox Wipes
1 box of quart or gallon sized ziplock bags
4 glue sticks
1 pack of loose-leaf lined paper
PE: Tennis shoes for Physical Education
PE: 1 small hand sanitizer
Fifth Grade
$5.00 for Class Activity/Supply Money
6 Notebooks (different colors, wide ruled)
6 Folders (different colors matched to notebooks)
1 Pack of Loose-Leaf paper (wide ruled)
1 pair of scissors- labeled with name
1 package of markers- labeled with name
4 dozen pencils (not mechanical)- 1 dozen in desk, 3 dozen class supply
1 large pink eraser- labeled with name
1 yellow highlighter
1 package of EXPO whiteboard markers- Class supply
1 package of colored pencils- labeled with name
1 pencil box or pouch- labeled with name
2 glue sticks
12 inch/centimeter ruler- labeled with name
2 containers of Disinfectant Wipes- Class supply
2-4 boxes of Kleenex tissues- Class supply
2 packages of post-it notes (square, light color)- Class supply
USB-C Headphones or earbuds with microphone in a labeled bag (lightning(Apple) plug preferred, round plug OK)- if possible
PE: Tennis shoes for Physical Education
PE: 1 pack of post it’s